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My public documentation of attempting the ever popular paleo diet, already knowing I'm not jumping in 100%.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day One

I've been intrigued with the paleo diet since I first read about it here. In theory, sounds right up my ally...until the part about no dairy and no carbs. Fudge, those make up the base of my food pyramid and pair very well with wine too. But, I've had gastrointestinal issues for years, YEARS, going back to debilitating stomach aches making me late for elementary school. I've seen doctors who've come up with nothing, so now feels like the time to take control and experiment.

So, I purchased Practical Paleo, which reads more like a textbook than cookbook, and I'm enjoying the process of lecture and lab that the book provides.

I'm not committing 100% to the paleo diet because I know how I operate and it will be setting myself up for failure. I also don't want to be one of those people who can't eat out with friends or go anywhere to be debilitated by a modern menu. We're approaching the holidays and if I'm at a party and there's a fine wedge of brie, I will probably have some, damnit, you also only live once. Plus, I am pretty sure I'm not giving up coffee.

So here's my journey. At the bare minimum I'm doing this for a month and keeping this blog for my own documentation purposes because my handwriting is getting too sloppy. Plus, I may curse here. Be warned, I'm not getting my favorite foods.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

  • Spinach and chive egg scramble
  • Coffee with half and half and sugar 
  • Organic tomato soup and full disclosure, with a few croutons
  • Dried Turkish apricots

  • Roasted chicken and vegetables, recipe from Practically Paleo
  • 3 mile run on the loop

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